Getting Back to Business
As we learn to accept and navigate a new normal amid this unprecedented situation, and in keeping with our policy of open communication, we wanted to reach out to our clients, our partners, and our communities and keep you informed on how Hirsch Construction Corp. has been approaching the coronavirus pandemic.
First, know that our hearts go out to all who have been affected by the circumstances surrounding the virus. And to the frontline healthcare providers, we thank them for their selfless risks and tireless efforts.
Not unlike your own businesses, Hirsch is committed to keeping our employees healthy and our sites operational while being responsible and adhering to the recommended guidelines during this ever-changing situation.
As the states begin to slowly reopen, the urgency to resume and complete projects will ensue. When that time comes, we will be ready. We will be in constant communication with our partners who either have existing projects in progress or those that are scheduled to begin to set new deadlines and ensure that we are all on the same page, and with a focus on health and safety.
Now more than ever, we are here for you. As restrictions lessen, we will be sure to keep you up to date, and as always, we welcome your questions and feedback, so please do not hesitate to contact us.